Alone but Not Lonely

New town. New job. New friends. New apartment. New neighbors. New Walmart. New library. New bed. New commute. New responsibilities.

New challenge.

In theory and in practice, this summer presents a reality so starkly different from everything I’ve known so far that it almost feels like someone else’s life. The days and weeks leading up to my move (and especially the first night in my new apartment) were filled with alternating feelings of nervous anticipation, excitement, fear, and whatever that feeling’s called when you have an overwhelming to-do list.

My family was a huge help in getting me ready for the move, and we spent a week together on vacation right before I left so we stocked up on quality time. But I knew that when I moved away for the summer and started my internship, I’d have to start out not knowing anyone and possibly feeling very lonely and isolated. Being alone is out of the ordinary for me–I’ve only ever lived at home, at camp, or in a dorm with something like 250 other women. What I didn’t expect was to experience so much assurance in the first week here that God has prepared this for me and is willing and eager to walk with me through this time.

He prepared the hearts of my coworkers to welcome me with kindness, understanding, and a myriad of fun treats that come with starting on Warehouse Appreciation Week!

On Tuesday, He kept me going (even though I was tired after a long day and running a couple of errands) long enough to stop by the library at the perfect time to meet a Taylor graduate (and English Hall resident!), an IWU grad, and a new library employee who all had helpful information on churches and volunteer opportunities.

He prepared the way for me to meet and talk with that new employee about the Adult Literacy Services programs and resources she was hoping to provide, many of which overlap with my interests and experiences and will be a great way for me to volunteer.

I got to talk with one of my friends, my family, or my grandma (or all three) nearly every day this week, without feeling rushed or distracted, and Wednesday and Thursday I met three more people with interesting connections to Taylor.

Despite having had the worst possible self-checkout experience at the grocery store last week, He very sneakily led me to try again this weekend so that I’d have the opportunity to show a kind elderly woman how the machine works when she asked. And I know He led the pastor at the church I visited this morning to share in his message an anecdote from a book I’ve been reading that has renewed and refreshed my perspective on His grace.

And for the past four days, He has sent a rainstorm–part of my salvation story and something that always makes Him seem up close and personal–every evening to remind me that while I may have expected to feel alone here, He will never leave me, even for a moment. Things aren’t perfect here (my shower curtain rod just fell down–that’s new, too!) but I am confident that this is where my loving, patient, and kind Abba Father wants me in this season. I’m praising Him daily for faithfulness and care that knows no bounds–may we find peace and rest in His loving-kindness.

“Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge. I said to the Lord, ‘You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.’

…Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.”

Psalm 16:1-2, 5-6

2 thoughts on “Alone but Not Lonely

  1. Marisa Durcholz says:

    Anna, your Dad shared your post with me! Awesome writing. Glad you’re having a good time and have seen God’s hand on your life through the new experiences. If you write anything else, please share!


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